A Place to Breathe

Written by Toby Hedgepeth

Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash

Scripture: Proverbs 4:26 – Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.

Reflection: From time to time I have a habit of looking back on things I’ve written or scribbled in my journals, notebooks or just random pieces of paper, to see if it sparks any memories. As I was looking back recently, I saw something that said, “Are you working towards a place where you can breathe?” When I read this statement, I didn’t understand it to mean finding a place to rest or to slow down – but I understood it to mean being purposeful – or steadfast. A place where you can see the goodness of the Lord moving. Where every moment is filled with meaning. A place where you can see lives being changed and dreams being fulfilled. A place where our breath is not being wasted but being given for something greater than ourselves.

I want to give myself credit for this question, but I have no memory of writing it, or who said it. But it does beg an answer, “what are you working towards?” And what does it have to do with the work you are called to do for Christ?

It’s so easy to get sidetracked by people and situations not meant for us – things that do not serve a purpose in this “place” of intention.

Let it go!

Let it go and make room for thoughtful interactions, life-giving relationships and meaningful conversations.

Let it go so you can feel yourself breathe – on purpose.

Let it go so you can give careful thought to the path you are being called to walk.

Let it go to make room for the Spirit of God.

Prayer: My God and my Redeemer – help me to stop giving attention to things that do not bring You Glory. Keep me focused on the mark of my heavenly prize. Show me the path I must take to work towards the place You have called me to. The place where Your plan becomes my plan and the work I do pleases You, above all. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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